Sunday, August 2, 2009

Deanne Bray Interview

On the 31st of July 2009 conducted an interview with Deanne Bray about her role in the new season of Heroes as Emma. We talk about how she became an actress, how she got her role on Heroes, if she had seen the show before she was cast, her character's relationship with Peter and her character's ability.

Read the full article below. WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

You have a degree in Biology, how did this lead to you
becoming an actress?

I have a BA degree in Biology (wanting to be a scientist but wasn't sure what field) and I'm almost done with my Masters in Education (Later on, I figured maybe teaching would be something I'd end up doing). Plus I am a semester away from getting my teaching credentials in teaching Deaf and Hard of hearing children. While I was studying as an undergrad, I worked with Deafwest Theatre and have grown into a professional stage theatre actress. Caught the acting bug. I also was one of the dancers of a Deaf dance group called Prism West. An agent, Sid Craig, saw my work in one of my performances and gave me a business card telling me that he can get me jobs on television. He did for the last 15 years. We're very excited about Heroes!

How is it you got your role on Heroes?

Deafwest Theatre sent out emails to as many Deaf actresses they knew of. Deaf actresses went to the audition. During callbacks, Heroes had two casting directors, two writers, producers, and Milo who plays as Peter in the room to do a chemistry test with Milo. Milo shared me when I came to set to rehearse one scene that he told the Heroes team that he felt good and real with me during the audition. I'm thrilled to own the role, Emma.

Had you seen the show before you got the role?

Actually it was Greg Grunberg that led me to put my remote control down. I have seen him in another tv show, Felicity and enjoyed his work. He seems genuine. Now he plays as a cop who reads minds and put thoughts into people's minds. I think his character's great and still loved his work as an actor. I have seen the show for two years now and got hooked. I love the concept and the writing. Also when I got to know the show,I enjoyed all of the other characters on the show. They do a fantastic job.

Are you aware that your character is not the first deaf one in the Heroes universe and one appeared in one of the show’s graphic novels?

I asked one of the writers about this question and he shared this, "We only know of one deaf character in the graphic novels. There was a deaf agent who could counter-act primal screams. He appeared in one graphic novel about a year ago. He wasn't a major character at all. The character of Emma is completely different and much more fleshed out."

Your character is going to be a love interest for the character of Peter, what has it been like working with Milo who plays him?

From what I understand from the writers, Emma is not necessarily a love interest for Peter. They will become close, but the relationship is really about establishing trust and honesty. They will learn from each other and grow together and figure out how to live in the world when you have unusual powers.
Milo is a gentleman and a professional. I really enjoy working with him on set and feel safe to work with him. He has zero ego and is considerate for others surrounding him.

Can you tell us how you and Peter meet?

So far I've learned that Peter and Emma work in the same hospital. Peter mistakenly takes Emma's power and they share the experience of discovery of that power together.

Can you tell us a bit about your character? Her job etc?

Emma works in the file room at the hospital, but we will quickly learn that her life used to be about so much more. She was studying to be a doctor, but a tragedy in her life took her off course. It disconnected her from the world. Emma's relationship with Peter will explore how she rights herself again.

Does your character have a power? If not, what power would you like her to have?

Emma has the power to see sound waves as colours. She will learn to manipulate what she sees to have impact on others. Her power can be very beautiful and very dangerous.

Have you had the chance to work with any of the cast apart from Milo?

I will work with the other regulars in the next episode. I can't reveal who. Stay tuned!

Do you know how many episodes you will be working on?

As of now, I am written in 5 episodes. I am in episodes 4, 5, 6 and I think 9 and 10, so far.

You are most well known for your role on Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye, how is working on Heroes different from working on this show?

Doing stunt work with Milo. Milo grabbed me and carried me off to some place safe. It was fun shooting that scene a few days ago. Also working with special effects.

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